Thursday, February 27, 2014

I tried knitting once.

I tried knitting once.  Mom helped me by casting on the first row.

Krista Tippett’s guest on February 16th was Ann Hamilton who teaches art at Ohio State University.  She recalled sitting with her Grandmother who would read to her while Ann was knitting.  Ann spoke of the tactile sensation of another’s voice while the knitted medium of her own handiwork was accreting under her hands (like the slow building of land in the bend of flowing water).  Music touches me that way, as does the sound of Robin’s voice as she leads us in meditation.  I never did finish that scarf.  I think that Mom raveled it to make a woolen sock.

Much of what we experience is similar to knitting or crocheting.  It is the small things in life that accumulate to become the whole fabric of our life and experience.  Each small loop, each knit and purl across a row, each row after row and soon we have a scarf.  In the same way, the contribution of time, of talent and treasure by each of us, all connected together creates the warm rainbow security blanket for our church family.  It keeps the lights on and it keeps the voice of Reverend Robin reaching out to touch one and all .

Canvas time is here again and this year I used the Piedmont UU Church website to submit our family pledge.  It was simple and easy to use.  It feels good to know that my contribution along with yours is making a difference.  Many of us are on fixed incomes or limited salaries.  However even smaller pledges add up when given by many of us.  Simply go to and click on the “give” tab to access the 2014-2015 pledge form.  Fill it out and press “Submit”.

Happy Knitting to all, 

1 comment:

  1. I could teach you how to knit if you want...and thanks for this piece. Now I know how to do my pledge online, a small one in dollars, but not small in spirit...large, just like yours. Gotta love a guy who tried to knit, even once.
